Council decision
Council endorsed this planning proposal and authorised the planning agreement at its meeting on 11 November 2024.
At its meeting on 11 November 2024, Council endorsed the planning proposal for 1377 Hue Hue Road, Wyee, and authorised the planning agreement between Council, Wyee Nominees and TOPA Property.
You can view the proposal and agreement documents, as part of the report presented to Council.
Thank you to everyone who made submissions on these documents during their respective public exhibition periods.
A planning agreement (also known as a voluntary planning agreement) is an offer by a developer to Council to dedicate land, make monetary contributions or provide other material public benefit, to be used for or applied towards a public purpose. Planning agreements are entered into in relation to a development application or an amendment to the Local Environmental Plan.
For more information on planning agreements in Lake Macquarie City, visit lakemac.com.au.
A planning proposal is a document and supporting information that explains the intended effect and justification of a proposed amendment to a Local Environmental Plan.
Local Environmental Plans guide planning decisions for local government areas through zoning and development controls.
A landowner, developer or an individual seeking to amend the zoning or development standards that apply to land they own, or have an interest in, may initiate a planning proposal.
Council support of the planning proposal is required before it is able to be submitted to the Department of Planning and Environment for Gateway Determination.
If the Department issues a Gateway Determination, a proposal proceeds to community consultation and any submissions are considered before making amendments to the planning controls.
I've made a submission - what happens next?
Feedback may result in further changes being made to the draft planning agreement prior to a report being prepared for Council.
You will be notified again, prior to Council considering the matter, which will include a link to the Council report containing a summary of submissions and how feedback was considered.
Lake Macquarie’s booming south-west is poised for more housing supply after councillors backed plans to rezone 4.5 hectares of land at 1377 Hue Hue Road, Wyee for residential development.
Council endorsed this planning proposal and authorised the planning agreement at its meeting on 11 November 2024.
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