Morisset Place Strategy

The Morisset Place Strategy is a long-term plan to guide the future development and growth of Morisset, a strategic location for population and jobs growth in Lake Macquarie.

In June 2023, we released the Morisset Place Strategy discussion paper to seek community input on the vision, principles, actions and studies for growing Morisset. The consultation closed on 14 September 2023 and the engagement summary is available online.

Since then, we have been working on building a robust evidence base for the place strategy, completing key studies and seeking funding for additional research. We’ve recently started working on a strategic biodiversity study and an urban design study for the town centre. In collaboration with Transport for NSW, we are also exploring funding opportunities for transport planning works to support the place strategy.

The studies completed so far can be found under the Documents section of this webpage. The results and recommendations of all studies will need to be reviewed before we can finalise the draft place strategy, which will present a vision for the types, scale and appropriate locations for development and services in Morisset.

We aim to complete all studies by late 2025 and to have a draft place strategy ready for public exhibition in 2026. As we progress with the additional studies, we will continue to engage with key stakeholders to inform their outcomes.

Regionally significant growth area

Morisset was identified as a  regionally significant growth area in the Hunter Regional Plan 2041. Morisset and the supporting local centres of Cooranbong and Wyee represent the largest future growth area in the Central Coast and Hunter and will be a major point of connection between Greater Newcastle and Central Coast communities.

Grant application submitted for Federal Government funding

Council has partnered with Transport for NSW and the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure, and submitted an application in March 2024 for Federal Government funding through the Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program.

Vital intersection upgrade to be delivered in Morisset

The busy intersection connecting Wyee Road and Alliance Avenue in Morisset will receive a multi-million-dollar upgrade, thanks to Lake Macquarie City Council and the NSW Government.

Evidence base for the Morisset Place Strategy broadens

We have completed two more studies to support the development of the Morisset Place Strategy.