Council is committed to keeping our community safe from climate risks.
Climate resilience planning involves Council and the community working together to better prepare for flooding, sea (and lake) level rise, bushfire, urban heat and other climate risks that can impact on community and environmental wellbeing.
Decisions we make now can have lasting impacts. New roads, drains and homes built today will still be around in 50 to 100 years, so we need to plan for the future now.
A recent example of a locally-led adaptation project is the Local Adaptation Plan (LAP) for Pelican, Blacksmiths, Swansea and surrounds. The plan was drafted in collaboration with the local community and was adopted by Council in 2021.
Prior to that project, planning was also conducted for Marks Point and Belmont South, in close collaboration with residents.
Both projects are now in implementation phase. Click here to learn more about related projects.
The western side of Lake Macquarie offers a great lifestyle and it’s important we all protect and care for our local community, environment and economy.
The Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO and NSW Government agencies predict an increase in climate related risks over the coming decades:
The impacts on our local community could be:
Council will be undertaking climate resilience planning for the following suburbs:
Teralba, Booragul, Marmong Point, Woodrising, Bolton Point, Fennell Bay, Fassifern, Blackalls Park, Toronto.
Climate resilience planning for Teralba to Toronto will occur over the next 2 - 3 years though collaboration with the local community.
We've completed our first phase of broad community engagement. However, we are still accepting members for our ongoing
A second and third phase of community engagement will occur in 2024/25. In between engagement phases, there will be ongoing and frequent collaboration with the Teralba to Toronto Working Group. Council are still accepting new members to the Working Group - click here to learn more.
Working Group members volunteer with Council’s Environmental Systems Department and assist in preparing and delivering locally-led adaptation and climate resilience initiatives. Members can volunteer as an individual or as a nominated representative of a community group, business organisation etc.
Working group members can contribute in a variety of ways that suit them, and may include on one or more of the following activities:
Express your interest to join the Working Group by emailing Amy McArthur (City Resilience Officer): link)
This consultation was open to the broader community for contributions between 30 January - 5 March 2023. We also invited expressions of interest...
The project team reviewed the community feedback and reported back on key outcomes. Further consultation with the working group and key...
This consultation will test resilience planning options with the community for further feedback.
Community contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The project team will report back on key outcomes. Further...
The final approach to resilience planning in the area will be documented and presented to the community for further input.
Phone: 4921 0333
We’ve transitioned Shape Lake Mac to a new platform provider. This means if you previously registered at Shape Lake Mac, you will need to sign up to create a new account to continue to share your feedback.
We understand this may be a little inconvenient, but the move will allow us to provide a better and more tailored experience for our users.
If you have already signed up to this new provider, please close this pop-up box and click login.