North Creek Flood Study


Lake Macquarie City Council worked with consultant WMAwater to prepare a flood study of the North Creek floodplain which includes Warners Bay, Lakelands and part of Speers Point.

As part of this project, in late November 2023 residents in the study area received a letter with information about the project and the opportunity to share their stories and observations of historical flooding in the area. A summary of this engagement is available to view. The draft Flood Study went on public exhibiton in December 2024 to January 2025. The draft Flood Study was adopted by Council on 24 March 2025.

Next steps

The next step in thisproject is for Council to undertake a Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan for the North Creek Catchment. This will investigate and evaluate flood risk mitigation measures for the catchment and recommend actions. Once complete, this study and plan will go on public exhibition and you will have the opportunity to review and provide feedback. Keep an eye on this proejct page – we will update it at each project milestone

North Creek Flood Study area


The survey is now closed. Thanks for participating.