Thank you to everyone who provided feedback to help shape our new Culturally Diverse Lake Mac Plan. Consultation closed on Thursday 12 October 2023. A summary of this engagement is now available to view online.
About the project
Lake Macquarie City Council is committed to ensuring our city is an inclusive and welcoming place, where the whole community can feel a sense of safety and belonging.
Our Culturally Diverse Lake Mac Plan supports this vision. We are proud of what we have achieved together through our 2021-2024 plan , and are now working to create our updated 2025-2029 plan.
According to Multicultural NSW, the CALD group includes culturally, religiously and linguistically diverse people. This includes people of different cultural backgrounds, people born overseas, people of different religions or faith, and people who speak a language other than English.
Yes! Lake Macquarie is home to about 20,000 people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, according to Australian Bureau of Statistics 2021 Census data.
This is about 10 per cent of our city’s population.
We all benefit from the unique perspectives, stories and culture our CALD community share.
Lake Macquarie City Council has a long-held role in support our culturally and linguistically diverse community.
In May 2015, Council adopted its Statement in Favour of a Culturally and Religiously Diverse Lake Macquarie City. The statement commits to:
maintaining our city as a culturally diverse, inclusive community united by a commitment to democratic principles and fairness
the right of all our residents to enjoy equal rights and be treated with equal respect.
The statement also recognises that “multiculturalism is in the interest of all our citizens and expresses our sense of fairness and inclusion”.
There are many successes to celebrate from our 2021-2024 Culturally Diverse Lake Mac Plan :
We partnered with Settlement Services International to provide refugees with learn to swim lessons and Lake Mac Swim Centres.
We collaborated with the Greater Newcastle Multicultural Action Group to explore barriers to employment and education for our multicultural community and identify actions to increase employment.
We used a $400,000 grant from Multicultural NSW to deliver the Living Together Festival over two years and established a Living Smart Festival planning group with CALD community representatives.
In June this year, we hosted our first annual Welcome to Lake Mac evening, which invited new Lake Macquarie residents to get to know their neighbours and learn about Council services. New residents from as far afield as Canada, Hong Kong and the UK attended the event.
We have improved accessibility on Council’s website, with translation options added to our online engagement platform, Shape Lake Mac, to make it easier for our CALD community to get involved in future planning for our city.
Council staff are supported in accessing translating and interpreting services when engaging with our community.
We’ve transitioned Shape Lake Mac to a new platform provider. This means if you previously registered at Shape Lake Mac, you will need to sign up to create a new account to continue to share your feedback.
We understand this may be a little inconvenient, but the move will allow us to provide a better and more tailored experience for our users.
If you have already signed up to this new provider, please close this pop-up box and click login.